As many of you may have noticed it the Christmas holiday! Which means lots of tape, wrapping paper, lights, eating way too much, getting egg nog drunk, and DIY fun! Just for the record I am not a Pintrest winner. But there are a few really easy things I can do to try and make Christmas a little more special/fun for my boys. Hopefully. For a holiday blog post I thought I would share what it is I do and maybe you will find the desire to do them as well.
The first project is the letter to the big red man himself and his response. For the letter to Santa I usually got to the USPS website that they have dedicated to letters to Santa. I pick one of their templates, print, and let the boys make up their own X-Mas list. That's the easiest part. Next is the really important part, the response letter. Last year I simply typed up a letter in response using my sons name and mentioning what was on his list. This year I got fancy.
I searched the wonderful world of Google and the internet to find a letter template that I would use for said letter. Stepping up my mom game! So this year I searched until I found the perfect Santa-looking letter. And I did. Complete with signature and elf approval.

Once you've printed the template which you can find here:
the letter is next. Again I searched the Google space for a fun template and then tweaked it to my liking. So use your own creativity to create your childs letter. The template I used made sure to mention the town where you live, obviously one of the things from their list to Santa, and then a relative at the end. All to make it seem as if Santa is really watching and even knows your family. To ensure that my letter fit within the previous template I typed in the center. Rather than typing left to right, or right to left.
Now that you've typed out your letter you gotta print it. Print you letter, cut it out and paste it to the fancy Santa letter template. I made sure to tape all the edges down because once you go to photocopy it you don't want there to be lines across the edges of the letter. So side note, you're going to need a way to make a copy of it all together. Your local library or post office should be able to help you make a copy for pretty cheap.
Now that your letter is finished you'll need an envelope. You can continue the trend we've started of Googling everything and find a nice envelope, which I did, or get your artsy fartsy pants out and make a magical envelope that looks like it came straight from the North Pole. And if you don't mind mess throw in some glitter ( just kidding that shit is bad for the environment).
When the whole package was complete sneak the letter in with your regular mail and let those kiddos find it.
If you don't feel the creative itch but still want to give you child a letter from Santa there are other ways to do this. Every year the USPS offers the chance to have Santa mail a letter to your child dubbed Operation Santa. For more information regarding this option click the link here:
One other possible option is a letter from Santa from Lapland Finland. If you ask any Suomi (person from Finland) they will tell you that Santa lives at Santas Village in Lapland Finland. An actual real place that you can visit, but if a trip to literally the Arctic Circle isn't for you, you can request Santa to send your child a letter. These letters cost around $10 US dollars and if you're in the United States have to be requested within a certain timeframe. This years time has expired but next year is always an option. Sound like something you'd wanna try you can find more information with this link here:
Project 2: The Santa beard countdown to the big day. I was going to get my boys an advent calendar thinking it would be fun. But guess what, those cost money and can get very expensive. This holiday is already costly enough that an advent calendar really isn't necessary. If you do use them more power to you, but this year cost efficient was the name of the game. So a co-worker of mine happened to mention the Santa beard. Which is a wonderful way to make your kiddos aware of how many days are left until the big present fest and also learn numbers while doing it. This one is really easy. All you need are cotton balls (less than $1), glue (also $1), and the print of Santas beard. The rest is really self explanatory.
The template I used you can find here:

In case you wondered what it all looked like closer to the end, well wonder no more.

I realize that these ideas are really close to the big day and I may possibly be making this post too late into the season, but better late than never right! Regardless of how long it took me to make this post I hope that these ideas will inspire you to make Christmas with your kiddos even more special each year. It's not always about the money you spend on presents, but on the time you spend making it special. Wishing you all a loving and warm Christmas, Hanukkah, Solsitce, Kwanza, Yule, and a fabulous New Year! Happy Holidays!!