There are many of you that I'm sure understand the battle of quarantine. The struggles of working from home, managing the children, and probably not having time really to take care of yourself. Although I would love to say that I've taken advantage of the time at home in reality I haven't. If anything, somehow magically through the time loop that is like the Twilight Zone I for whatever reason have less time to do things than before the Corona pandemic. With this current sedentary lifestyle also comes the intake of shitty, but delicious food. So far I've eaten more fast good, quick food, and junk food than I normally would. Why? Because it's quarantine bitches...probably but really that's just my excuse. Now that we are two months into this I have decided enough is enough. I need to start treating my body a wee bit better and reel in this crash diet of junk. Thus the one day cleanse.
After reading a small bit of things online, and having done one previously, I made the decision to do one again. I found a great pressed juice company that was fairly priced and that also actually delievered. For those who may not know this, I live in a super small town with no big city close to us. Pressed juice facilities are just not in vogue here so finding one that was able to deliver that didn't cost a small fortune I feel was a miracle.
The company I purchased my one day juice cleanse through is called Pressed Juicery. Their home store is located in California but they have several others located through the United States. The closest to me is NYC which is about 4 hours away. They offer you a variety of cleanses for different things, and varying number of days. I chose the one day cleanse because I wasn't sure how I'd handle more than that. The one day cleanse was $35 for 6 bottles of fresh pressed juice (this is a steal). I also ordered two wellness shots, and a snack bag variety pack. The order took about two days but in reality it only took one day to ship. Meaning it left Cali the same day I received it at home. Once you get your juice they recommend drinking within 3 days. I started mine the next day.

Also with this cleanse they suggest that you prep yourself for the cleanse. Such as, cutting down caffeine intake, sugar intake, and eating smaller/less meals. Which I did for the two days prior.
Drink 1: I didn't exactly follow the rules (shocker) and I didn't start as soon as I woke up. I wasn't hungry. I woke at around 8 am and around 10 am I got my first drink. The vanilla almond. I typically drink almond milk, but this was like no other I've purchased in stores. Because it's real. Meaning there isn't a bunch of extra stuff in it, it's thinner and more watery than the typical almond milk you drink from the store. The taste is as you would expect, vanilla. So for me it was a bit bland, but it was good. It took me about an hour to finish because I wasn't chugging these. In between I took a sip of coffee and drank two 8oz glasses of water. By noon I could feel a slight headache happening, but honestly that could be the caffeine withdraw.
Drink 2: In all honesty I was not looking forward to the green drinks. Why? Because I kinda hate veggies. Most of the ingredients in this drink are not ones I consume on any given day. HOWEVER! I was pleasantly surprised how much I liked it. The taste was sweet and although certain greens like celery and the kale popped through my taste buds it wasn't bad. In fact it was great! Again with this drink I started at noon, 2 hours after my last, but I took my time drinking it. At this point in the day I'm not really hungry. These juices are helping keep that trigger at bay. Again after finishing I drank another 16 oz of water. Stay hydrated!
Drink 3: By now it's about 2 in the afternoon and I'm starting to feel the need to digest solid food. So per the pamphlet I eat a few almonds. Onto the third drink. Again, super surprised at how good it is. But not as surprised as I am with the green. This drink has added ginger and it's certainly present on the old taste buds. But not in a harsh way. This drink is really good. It take to sipping this one as well while working in the greenhouse and drink another couple glasses of water.
Drink 4: It's around 5 o'clock when I get to the 4th drink. This drink is very sweet as it's just fruit juice. However, I am a sweet fan so I don't mind and I drink this down in no time. Unlike the other drinks this one is not very filling and my desire to eat is really starting to kick in. I'm a bit sluggish and really trying hard not to cave and just snack. Thankfully my husband was there and kept me on the right track. An hour after I finished this drink I decided to sip some broth, which is allowed according to the website. The salt was a nice change of pace as most of the drinks have been on the sweeter side. Again this is not a complaint I love sweet but just noting it.
Drink 5: I'm in the home stretch! This is honestly way harder around dinner time. My husband made a great dinner for himself that I was drooling over. Even the kids food looked like something I wanted to ingest. But I've got two drinks to go I can do it! This drink I did my best to drink. I honestly couldn't. I drank about a quarter of it and stopped. The reason is the ginger if far too overpowering and spicy. I have a horribly sensitive pallet and it was starting to give me heartburn also. So I drank more water, ate a few more almonds and waited until it was time for the next one. Playing Call of Duty was a great distraction as well.
Drink 6: I made it!! I waited until just before I went to bed to drink this one. The idea being it will help keep me full through the night. Because I can't sleep if I'm hungry. This drink was the dessert of all the drinks and it was yummy! I mean who doesn't love chocolate. It did need a good shaking as the cacao powered made it slightly chalky but nothing that was unpleasant. This was the one drink that I seriously chugged. It was really good. Like the first almond milk this isn't like what you get in the store. It's a thinner liquid and it has a slightly different taste but not in a negative way. It was very good!
Aftermath: During the night I never woke due to feeling hungry. They suggest to slowly reintroduce solid foods into your diet once the cleanse is over. Today I have found that I'm not really hungry at all. I have no cravings for any kind of junk food and have nibbled here and there. The only full thing I have ate is a piece of avocado toast. I'm continuing to drink water, and have had a coffee. There is a slight headache which may be from lack of sugar that I've gown accustomed to eating and have not today. This cleanse is not meant as a tool to lose weight but if you're curious from the last number that was on the scale (that I remember from last week) to this morning I'm guessing I lost between 4-5 pounds. I noticed that some of my bloating has gone down, and had I continued I'm sure there would have been even less.
My final thoughts are that these juices, minus the one, were really great I truly loved all of them and if it weren't for them these certain healthy tidbits would not have ever made it past the chewing phase of digestion. So that's a bonus. I think this is a great way to reset the mind and your body and get back on track with hopefully a healthier diet. My personal struggle is with junk food. I love cookies, cakes, and chocolate. Currently I have no cravings for these things. Will that change? Maybe, eventually. It's almost 5 pm the next day and I have yet to feel the overwhelming pang of hunger or cravings. So maybe something did reset and there's something to these cleanses after all. I do recommend them to anyone who may be contemplating doing one. My advise is have someone in your corner who will keep you on track because it does get really hard and falling off the wagon is so easy. And stay close to a bathroom. All the fluids you'll be intaking you might be surprised just how many times you can pee in one day. If you have any questions, regarding this cleanse, there's a chance I have an answer feel free to message me. The website I used to purchase these amazingly delicious juices was these prices are totally reasonable, but note you have to spend at lease $40 for them to ship to you. Which is also fair because the price of shipping is crazy.
If you can't afford to purchase the juices but want to change up your eating maybe try making smoothies at home as an alternative? Or research other websites? I did look at a few others, but honestly this one I felt had the more reasonable price. But do what you can with what you have. Good luck if you adventure down this path as well!