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A Family Tradition: A Day With Thomas

Writer's picture: Julia YorkJulia York

For the last three years we have been taking my train-loving 4 year old to see Thomas the Train. A Day Out With Thomas was introduced to me three years ago by a co-worker who had taken her grandchildren there as well. Maybe it's a boy thing but my 4 year old son absolutely loves trains. ALL the trains! So when I found out that Thomas was an actual real life size train it was an easy decision to take him. We live in Northern PA and there are two railways that host the Thomas event. So for the last three years we have somehow managed to suck at planning this outing. If you've read any of my other blogs regarding travel you might start to sense a pattern here. The first year I didn't realize how close we lived to the town we were going and decided to book rooms. Sounds totally normal but really it was not even a 2 hour drive from our house. After the event it was a struggle to keep two 2 year olds entertained, and sleeping in a trendy hotel that wasn't ideal for all family members. We could have just drove home. So there's strike one.

The following year we went south near Philly. However, I thought it was only two hours away only to find out the night before that it was actually 4 hours away. Having already purchased tickets we made the trek. We dropped off our dog to my sister-in-law, which was an extra hour on our trip, but on we went. We were in the car for probably close to 10 hours total with a 3 years old and a 4 month old. It was just really stupid planning, a horrible and tiring experience. Strike two.

This year I think we almost nailed it! We drove down the night before and stayed in a hotel. However, rather than picking a "trendy" hotel I decided to save some money and booked a cheaper hotel that was just awful! I am the hotel snob in our family. Now I'm not trying to stay at the Ritz, but I like clean hotels. The hotel I booked was not! So there's strike three. Now if hanging out with Thomas and riding trains and having lots of free activities sounds great to you learn from my mistakes, again. Here's my list to have solid and enjoyable Day Out With Thomas.

1. Know where you're going: Sounds stupid but I confused Stroudsburg with Strausburg. Which is a two hour difference in travel. So look ahead at an actual map and decide if you need to leave the night before or not.

2. Don't go too cheap on your room (if needed): That $70 semi-decently rated room may save you a little extra spending money, but you may find that it's super old, possibly a half-way house, and could be surprised when you open your "clean" washcloth only to find a handful of hair that isn't yours. Yes, this all happened. Remember although it's only $70 by the time you add tax it's over $100, so just book the decent room. Plus, you'll sleep better and you won't be trying to rush out first thing in the AM.

3. Get there several hours early: When you purchase tickets you purchase your train ride by time. All the activities within the event are free but you need to get there early. Once you purchase tickets you'll get a notification that states you need to be there one hour prior to your train departure. Well I recommend at least two. The train starts lining up people as soon as the train before yours leaves. There are 30 min in-between each ride but that time goes pretty fast. It's easier to get there and get settled. There are tons of activities such as face painting, tattoos, play stations, the imagination station, photos with the trains and characters. All of which are free. So allow time for you and kids to get your bearings of the area.

4. Pictures: The best time to get in line for photos with the trains is when the train departs. People will be running around or on the train that if you get in the photo line when the train leaves you'll be the only ones there and the first to get your photos taken. Otherwise you wait in a super long line and may not get your photo taken before the train departs.

5. Strollers: Take one. Especially if you have more than one child. There are plenty of stations to park your stroller if you happen not to need it at the time. But, it gets so congested and busy that if you have more than one child you could easily lose someone. If you have a stroller or even a double stroller use it in these busy areas.

6. Merchandise: Save it for very last! With all the other activities and time spent moving around you don't want extra baggage to carry. Plus when it's time to leave you can use it as a lure to get your kids closer to the exit. This area is always crazy so plan to be in line fighting through people.

7. Surroundings: Take time to visit the areas (if any) surrounding the train station. When we went to Strausburg it's a beautiful area with lots of small shops. Including the train museum directly across the street. Although it is an extra cost the train museum "wowed" all of us. It's amazing to see the trains so up close, and even go inside some.

A Day Out With Thomas is such a fun event that we look forward to it each year. It's crazy and chaotic because it involves children of course. For as long as our son likes trains and wants to go, we will. I mean it's way cheaper than Disney and maybe next year, year 4, we will finally have gotten this trip right.

This was Halloween with Thomas this year.


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